Minorities from the Caucasus in Flensburg

- Пресс-релиз

From 14-16 December FUEN will host the project ’Minorities in Caucasus – Dialogue for a stable future / Minderheiten im Kaukasus – Dialog für eine stabile Zukunft.

The Caucasus, the mountainous region between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea is seen as a trouble area by Western Europe. Especially since the fall of the Soviet Union, the Caucasus with so many ethnic groups and languages does not seem to come to rest.

During the 3-day seminar the minority representatives from Azerbaijan, Georgia and Russia have the opportunity to get to know the experiences and positive example of the Schleswig-Holstein minority model. The project focuses on political participation and language promotion. The participants will have the chance to visit local minority institutions.

Also this project involves – as the Minorities in the Western Balkans Project – the ECMI and the minorities of the German-Danish border region. This project takes place in the framework of the German OSCE chairmanship and is funded by the German Ministry of the Interior.

The project will be carried out as an event of the House of Minorities. The goal for the House of Minorities is to become an information and competence centre for minorities, located in Flensburg.

At 15th December there will be the chance to get to know the participants of the seminar in the House of Minorities. In a cosy Christmas gathering under the leadership of JEN-President Britta Tästensen, German minority in Denmark, a Caucasian cultural evening will take place.

Guests at the 15th December at 8 pm are very welcome. Please register for the event until 14th December at the FUEN.


Susann Schenk, FUEN Secretary General

Direct contact: FUEN Vice-President Gösta Toft, 0045 2178 88 02



House of Minorities, Norderstrasse 78

Accommodation Akademie Sankelmark


  • политической жизни
  • Основные права
  • языковое разнообразие
  • Солидарность с рома/цыганами
  • Европейская гражданская инициатива
  • Eвропейская сеть
  • Форума европейских меньшинств / Дома европейских меньшинств


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