Presidium of the Federal Union of European Nationalities (FUEN) holds meeting in Bozen / Bolzano

- Пресс-релиз - FUEN Vice President Martha Stocker accompanies the delegation for a farewell visit to former Prime Minister Luis Durnwalder

The Presidium of the Federal Union of European Nationalities (FUEN), chaired by President Hans Heinrich Hansen, currently holds their meeting in Bozen/Bolzano.

One of the main topics of the Presidium meeting is the strategy in relation to obtaining the approval of the European Citizens’ Initiative “Minority SafePack” by the European Commission. The Presidium paid a farewell visit to one of the members of the citizens’ committee responsible, former Prime Minister Luis Durnwalder.

The European Citizens’ Initiative “Minority SafePack”, with the motto: “You are not alone: one million signatures for diversity in Europe”, has the aim of bringing the issues of minorities and ethnic groups into the spotlight. A group of initiators was established, a citizens’ committee consisting not only of former Prime Minister Luis Durnwalder as representative for the German and Ladin minorities in Italy, but also with President Hans Heinrich Hansen of FUEN and five other high-ranking minority representatives from all over Europe. In June last year the initiative was presented at the international FUEN Congress in Brixen for the first time.

Self-administration and autonomy of minorities/ethnic groups/nationalities in Europe, their current political challenges and future perspective, form the main subjects of FUEN’s work. The South Tyrolean People’s Party SVP is one of the first member organisations of FUEN. Deputy chairwoman Martha Stocker of SVP is currently Vice President of FUEN. Also former Prime Minister Luis Durnwalder is among their most active supporters, and for that reason he was sincerely thanked at the farewell visit of the FUEN Presidium.

In the photo: Vice President Martha Stocker (3rd from the left), President Hans Heinrich Hansen (4th from the left) and the members of the FUEN Presidium at their farewell visit to former Prime Minister Luis Durnwalder 

Photo: Martha Stocker


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