The 4th annual FUEN TAG Meeting concluded in İzmir

- Пресс-релиз

The 4th Annual Meeting of the Working Group of Turkic Minorities/Communities (TAG) under the Federal Union of European Nationalities (FUEN) umbrella, was held from 24-27 October 2017. The host was the FUEN Member Organisation Rhodes, Kos and Dodecanese Turks Culture and Solidarity Association (ROISDER). László Bodor, the Campaign Manager of the Minority SafePack Initiative (MSPI), also participated in the meeting, which was headed by Halit Habip Oğlu, FUEN Vice President.

Macedonian Turks and Gagauz Turks participated in the meeting for the first time

13 organisations from nine different European countries participated in the meeting: FUEN member organisations the Federation of Western Thrace Turks in Europe (ABTTF), Friendship Equality and Peace Party (DEB Partisi) and Western Thrace Minority University Graduates Association (BTAYTD) representing the Western Thrace Turks. The International Society of Meskhetian Turks “VATAN” and “Vatan" Public Union of Ahiska Turks living in Azerbaijan representing the Ahiska Turks. Bars El: Social Organisation for Fostering and Development of the Karachay-Balkar Traditions representing the Karachay Balkars. As well as the Crimean Tatar National Assembly,  representing the Crimean Tatars. In addition, the Kosovo Youth Union Association from Kosovo, the Kardzhali Turkish Culture and Art Association from Bulgaria as well as the Moscow Kumyk Organisation from Russia were also present this year. The three former, however non FUEN members, have also attended FUEN TAG meetings in the past. For the first time, “Yeni Yol” Culture and Fine Arts Association representing the Turks in Macedonia and the Ukrainian Gagauz Union representing the Ukrainian Gagauz, participated in the meeting

During the cultural programme implemented and hosted by ROİSDER, the delegation met with the Mayor of T.R  Karşıyaka Municipality

Within the framework of the cultural programme and the visit on 25 October 2017, a historical and cultural tour was realised with contribution from T.R. İzmir Metropolitan Municipality. In the afternoon, the FUEN TAG delegation visited the office of the T.R. Karşıyaka Municipality Mayor. At the Mayor’s Office, FUEN Vice President Halit Habip Oğlu took the opportunity to present the FUEN TAG. Afterwards, the members of the delegation introduced themselves and presented their respective problems. During the dinner, organised with contribution from T.R. Karşıyaka Municipality and ROİSDER, the delegation met with the municipal administrators.

MSPI Campaign Manager, László Bodor, presented the campaigns potential to change the destiny of the European minorities

On 26 October 2017, FUEN Vice President Halit Habip Oğlu opened the 4th Annual FUEN TAG Meeting, with his welcoming speech. Followed by the Campaign Manager, László Bodor, who presented the European Citizens’ Initiative Minority SafePack Initiative (MSPI). He explained how the Campaign was launched by FUEN in order to form a Europe-wide protection mechanism for national minorities and to strengthen the religious and cultural diversity in Europe. Bodor also provided significant inside information about the campaign strategy and management, which can be applied when the campaign is conducted in Greece and Bulgaria.

The host, ROİSDER, presented the Rhodes and Kos Turks problems

The host of the meeting in İzmir and President of ROİSDER, Dr. Mustafa Kaymakçı, presented the problems of Turks living on these islands. The most difficult issues they are facing concern  citizenship, education and especially learning the Turkish language, religion and prayer, and about the foundations and cultural heritage originating from the Ottoman empire. Kaymakçı asked, that the Rhodes-Kos Turks, who are the forgotten Turks of Aegean, are to be protected.

The participants shared the recent developments regarding the Turkish minorities/communities in their respective countries 

In continuation of the meeting, FUEN Vice President Halit Habip Oğlu and Melek Kırmacı, on behalf of the FUEN TAG Secretariat, provided information regarding the visits paid during the past year by the FUEN Vice President within the framework of FUEN TAG studies. Further, they informed the participants about the works carried out by FUEN TAG. Afterwards the Western Thrace Turks, Ahıska Turks, Crimean Tatars, Karachay-Balkar Turks, Kumyks, Kosovo Turks and Bulgarian Turks articulated the developments as well as the current problems they have experienced within their own communities during the past year. 

Macedonian Turks and Gagauz Turks, who participated in the meeting for the first time, presented their communitie’s and their association’s activities

The Macedonian and Gagauz Turks attended the FUEN TAG meeting for the first time.  Based on the motto “Know your sibling”,  they introduced their communities. Şeval Nuredin, the Secretary General of “Yeni Yol” Culture and Fine Arts Association, established in 1974 and therefore the oldest association of Macedonia, presented the history of Macedonia as well as the position and problems of the Turks in Macedonia today. Afterwards Mr Vasiliy Kelioğlu, the President of the Ukrainian Gagauz Union, presented the history of Gagauz Turks. Furthermore, he provided an overview of the current living situation in Gagauz  Ukraine.

2018 Road Map was developed with the participant’s views and recommendations 

During the meeting, the FUEN TAG 2013-2017 activity report was presented. Moreover, promotional material including FUEN TAG brochures were showcased. A discussion, on the  international activities of FUEN TAG implemented in 2017, followed. At the end, a joint road map was identified through discussions of the activities planned for 2018.



  • политической жизни
  • Основные права
  • языковое разнообразие
  • Солидарность с рома/цыганами
  • Европейская гражданская инициатива
  • Eвропейская сеть
  • Форума европейских меньшинств / Дома европейских меньшинств


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