The successful conclusion of the AGDM Annual Meeting

- Пресс-релиз

In the last week (19-22.07.17) the 26th anniversary of the Working Group of German Minorities (AGDM) took place. Around 45 participants, representatives of 19 minority organizations from 20 European and Central Asian countries, met in Berlin. The German minorities are of great importance to the Federal Republic of Germany, since they are cultivators of German culture - especially the German language - abroad and act as bridge builders between the states.

Numerous high-rank meetings were on the agenda.

"We are very pleased that we had the opportunity to meet with Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel, Minister of State Prof. Monika Grütters and Bundestag President Dr Norbert Lammert. Further we were able to participate at the memorial day for the victims of escape and expulsion in the German Historical Museum, which was held by Rumanian State President Klaus Ioannis, who is also part of the German minority in Romania. We also joined a reception at the Slovak Embassy with a presentation on the life of the Carpathian Germans and minority politics in the country, which was of great importance. Not less important were the opportunities offered by the conference, the meeting amongst us Germans from abroad, the exchange of experience and the experience of the community," emphasizes Bernard Gaida, spokesperson of the AGDM.

All the above meetings took place on the initiative of the Commissioner for the Resettlement and National Minorities, Mr Hartmut Koschyk (MP).

The AGDM meeting were accompanied by FUEN President Lorant Vincze. He stressed the good work of the AGDM. In addition to the establishment of the coordination center in Berlin and the active participation of the member organizations, above all the commitment of the Federal Commissioner Koschyk contributed to this. Therefore a big thank you is in order for both Mr. Koschyk as well as the AGDM spokesperson, Bernard Gaida.
Mr Vincze further elaborated on the European Citizens Initiative "Minority SafePack (MSPI)".

The conference began on 19 June with a memorial meeting for the previous German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, who died last Friday (16 June) at the age of 87 years. As part of the AGDM’s anniversary in Berlin, the group used the opportunity to register in the condolence book of the Federal Chancellery.

Within the framework of the internal meeting, the participating associations talked and discussed the situation of the German minorities and their respective focused activities.

The talks focused on the future cross-country cooperation, the long-term strategic cooperation with the Federal Government and the intermediary organizations as well as the achievements of the minorities in their home countries.

The AGDM meeting in Berlin was also discussed. All participants agreed that this kind of meeting is very important for the AGDM and that this initiative should be continued in the future. However, it would also be important to hold an annual meeting with one of the member organizations, in addition to the anniversary. In addition to the representation of interests at the federal level, the networking and exchange as well as the strengthening of the synergy effects within the organizations are to be promoted.

For the 50 minorities and youth representatives from 20 countries of Europe, it was a great honour to be received personally by Federal Foreign Minister Gabriel and to get the opportunity to exchange opinions and information.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Gabriel was impressed by the lively community and important bridging function of the German minorities, highlighting their relevance for a lively Europe.

Within the framework of the meeting, FUEN President Loránt Vincze informed Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs Gabriel about the European Citizens' Initiative "Minority SafePack (MSPI)". Which has the aim to establish minimum standards for minority rights also in the Community law of the European Union. The organizers will have a year to collect the required one million signatures in support from at least seven EU Member States so that the European Commission, after registration, will have to engage with the initiative.

In discussions at the German Foreign Office, the minorities emphasized the importance of the German languages promotion. A strategic cooperation with the intermediary organizations is necessary in order to support and actively secure the German language.

A presentation by the Cultural Commissioner of the Federal Government, Prof. Monika Grütters, showed her support for the preservation of the cultural heritage which is further supported by several Resolutions and laws outlined by the German Parliament.

After talks with Minister of State Prof. Prof. Grütters, a lively and informative exchange took place with the cultural ministers of the Federal Ministry of Culture in accordance with § 96 BVFG, which dealt with the activities of cultural reporters and possible cooperation with the associations of German minorities.

In meetings with Bundestag President Dr. Lammert, he expresses the connectedness of the German Bundestag to the German minorities, which is clearly demonstrated by the budgetary appropriations approved in the parliamentary procedure in recent years. President of the Bundestag Lammert also encouraged minority representatives to seek a close exchange with the parliamentarians in the new legislative period. Minority representatives were given the opportunity to present their work and what importance this carries for the bilateral relations of the individual countries with Germany and Europe. This was expressed, in particular, by the FUEN President Vincze.

AGDM spokesperson Gaida emphasized, above all, the promotion of youth and young people, which is also visible by the participants of the anniversary. In addition to the chairpersons of minority associations, the youth presidents are now also taking part.

The language conference from the 3rd to the 4th of July in Budapest, offers the next opportunity for the German minorities to exchange and meet. On September 4th, the opening of the AGDM Hiking Exhibition will take place at the Hungarian embassy in Berlin.

For more information and photos
Working Group of German Minorities (AGDM)
Bundesallee 216-218
Éva Pénzes
10719 Berlin, Germany
Phone: (030) 30 1868114613



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