Ukrainian Minority Commission visits Flensburg

- Пресс-релиз - Today the Commissioner for Minority Issues of the Ukrainian government, Mr Gennadiy Druzenko, had a meeting in Flensburg with representatives of the minorities in the German-Danish border region

Press release: Ukrainian Minority Commission visits Flensburg

Today (6 November), the Commissioner for Minority Issues of the Ukrainian government, Mr Gennadiy Druzenko, had a meeting in Flensburg with representatives of the minorities in the German-Danish border region. Representatives of the German minority in Nordschleswig, Denmark, and the Danish minority in South Schleswig, Germany, told him about the successful minority model of the region and proposed to use the experiences from the border region as a contribution to solve the conflict in Ukraine. President Hans Heinrich Hansen of the Federal Union of European Nationalities – which has its seat in Flensburg – invited Mr Gennadiy Druzenko to speak about the situation of the minorities in Ukraine at the next congress of FUEN in May 2015.

Gennediy Druzenko used the opportunity to give information about the current state of affairs in regard to the minorities in Ukraine.

The Minority Commissioner is visiting Germany within the framework of a programme of visits organised by the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

More information: FUEN President Hans Heinrich Hansen, +45 23 49 92 06.

Photo (Manfred Bauch): SSF Chairman Jon Hardon Hanson, BDN Chairman Hinrich Jürgensen, FUEN President Hans Heinrich Hansen, Commissioner for Minority Issues of the Ukrainian Government Gennadiy Druzenko, City Council President of Flensburg Swetlana Krätzschmar and the Assistant of Mr Druzenko Viktoriia Luganska – standing before the House of Minorities at Norderstrasse in Flensburg, which opened one week ago.


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