Vincze Loránt: the Minority SafePack Initiative currently enjoys the widest democratic legitimacy among minority initiatives in Europe

- Пресс-релиз

I am proud of the results we have achieved with the Minority SafePack Initiative: the statements of support from the 1 320 000 European Citizens mean that this minority protection initiative enjoys the widest public support on the continent – stated Loránt Vincze in Brussels, in the European Parliament. The president of the FUEN participated, at the invitation of Hungarian MEP from Slovakia Pál Csáky, at a conference held on Wednesday, May 16th on the subject of the future of the resolution adopted by the EP in February: Compliance with the provisions of the decision on protecting minorities and fighting discrimination in the Member States.

In his speech, Loránt Vincze stated: during the petition campaign for the minority protection initiative he has visited several regions of Europe and learned that not all leaders of the majority communities were aware that the European Union has no legislation regarding the protection of autochthonous national minorities. The well-meaning leaders of the majority communities think it natural for the EU to adopt a legislative framework for the protection of the 50 million citizens belonging to a minority community, and they view the lack of it as a democratic deficit – said the FUEN President.

“In our view, when the state of rule of law in a Member State is assessed, human rights should always be taken into consideration, and we believe minority rights to be a part of human rights.  It is contradictory and incomprehensible that the independence of the justice system, compliance with the law and the fight against corruption are important to the EU but compliance with minority protection and the recognition of autochthonous minorities are not”, stressed Vincze.

In his opinion the Minority SafePack Initiative means hope for the unrecognised minority communities, represents an opportunity for the no-kin-state people, and carries a message of solidarity for all autochthonous minorities living on the continent. The key to our success – added the FUEN President – is that we have created a European movement for minority protection larger than our initiative or the FUEN.

The issues of minorities require political and legislative solutions, we therefore salute that the European Parliament has taken steps in this direction, and we assure MEP Pál Csáky of our full support for the EP resolution he has initiated on the protection of minorities , stated the FUEN President who has awarded a copy of a publication about the Minority SafePack Initiative to Director for Equality and Union Citizenship within the European Commission Irena Moozovának. 


  • политической жизни
  • Основные права
  • языковое разнообразие
  • Солидарность с рома/цыганами
  • Европейская гражданская инициатива
  • Eвропейская сеть
  • Форума европейских меньшинств / Дома европейских меньшинств


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