Visit from Opole Silesia in the House of Minorities office

- Пресс-релиз

On the 30th of August 2017, the FUEN welcomed Mrs. Zuzanna Donath-Kasiura, Deputy Managing Director of the Social-Cultural Society of the Germans in Opole Silesia, as a guest in the House of Minorities office in Flensburg.

During her stay with the German Minority in Denmark (BDN), Zuzanna Donath-Kasiura has already visited several cultural, social and educational institutions of the German and Danish minorities on both sides of the border last week and was able to learn about the work of the minorities in the region.

A lively exchange was held between the visitor and the FUEN in the House of Minorities office. Zuzanna Donath-Kasiura reported on the work of the Social-Cultural Society of the Germans in Opole Silesia and the situation of the German minority in Poland, while Keike Faltings and Rie Saalfeldt, both members of the FUEN, presented the project ‚House of Minorities’ and discussed their experiences as members of the Frisian and German minorities in the German-Danish border region.

The meeting was concluded with plans for a future think tank for the continued exchange of ideas. 


  • политической жизни
  • Основные права
  • языковое разнообразие
  • Солидарность с рома/цыганами
  • Европейская гражданская инициатива
  • Eвропейская сеть
  • Форума европейских меньшинств / Дома европейских меньшинств


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