FUEN partnering up with the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe

FUEN partnering up with the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe

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FUEN: The Framework Convention should not move away from the original aim of protecting national minorities

FUEN: The Framework Convention should not move away from the original aim of protecting national minorities

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Preparation meeting – Western Balkans study visit in Schleswig-Holstein

Preparation meeting – Western Balkans study visit in Schleswig-Holstein

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Dialogue Forum from the German-Danish border region visits Brussels

Dialogue Forum from the German-Danish border region visits Brussels

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Loránt Vincze: A mature Union means a responsible Union for its minorities

Loránt Vincze: A mature Union means a responsible Union for its minorities

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Council of Europe questionnaire on minority languages

Council of Europe questionnaire on minority languages

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FUEN’e üye Türk kuruluşları AGİT toplantısında sorunlarını dile getirdiler

FUEN’e üye Türk kuruluşları AGİT toplantısında sorunlarını dile getirdiler

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Forty-five years of civil rights work for the German Sinti and Roma

Forty-five years of civil rights work for the German Sinti and Roma


Debate about multilingualism and the role of sign languages in the EU

Debate about multilingualism and the role of sign languages in the EU

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  • Siyasi Katılım
  • Temel Haklar
  • Dilsel Çeşitlilik
  • Roman Azınlığı ile Dayanışma
  • Avrupa Vatandaşları Girişimi
  • Örgütlenme Ağı
  • Avrupa Azınlıklar Forumu / Azınlıklar Evi


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