Living Diversity - Shaping Europe

Living Diversity - Shaping Europe

Basın Bildirileri - That is the motto of FUEN, which also fit well with the Open Days that took place at the German Federal Ministry of the Interior in Berlin last weekend.

FUEN present at the Open Days of the German Government in Berlin

FUEN present at the Open Days of the German Government in Berlin

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On 16 September 2016 the long-awaited hearing about the Minority SafePack will take place in Luxemburg

On 16 September 2016 the long-awaited hearing about the Minority SafePack will take place in Luxemburg


FUEN President Lorant Vincze makes inaugural visits to Berlin

FUEN President Lorant Vincze makes inaugural visits to Berlin

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Loránt Vincze: Vojvodina should be part of the European network of minority regions

Loránt Vincze: Vojvodina should be part of the European network of minority regions

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We need more than ever a Europe of regions - a Europe of citizens

We need more than ever a Europe of regions - a Europe of citizens

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Grand finale of the EUROPEADA in South Tyrol

Grand finale of the EUROPEADA in South Tyrol

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