The minorities in Austria will participate in the European citizens’ initiative

The minorities in Austria will participate in the European citizens’ initiative

Basın Bildirileri - The European citizens’ initiative of the minorities in Europe receives wider and wider support. At a meeting with representatives of the ethnic groups in Austria, cooperation was intensified. The meeting was attended by FUEN-President Hans Heinrich Hansen, the Vice-President of the Hungarians in Romania László Borbély and the Director of the Ethnic Group Centre Hubert Mikel (see photo).

Historical compromise between Serbia and Kosovo: trust cannot be ordered by treaty

Historical compromise between Serbia and Kosovo: trust cannot be ordered by treaty

Basın Bildirileri - With pleasure and sympathy, FUEN-President Hans Heinrich Hansen and the Vice-President of the Hungarians in Romania (RMDSZ), László Borbély, received the news that the negotiators from Serbia and Kosovo had come to an agreement after tough negotiations and brokered by EU High Representative Lady Ashton

Diplomat as founding member of the European citizens’ initiative of the minorities

Diplomat as founding member of the European citizens’ initiative of the minorities

Basın Bildirileri - Good news for the citizens’ initiative of the minorities in Europe, which wants to collect one million signatures for diversity in Europe: Valentin Inzko has declared that he wants to join and work for it as one of the founding members. Valentin Inzko is an Austrian diplomat and a Carinthian Slovene.

The Bretons also support Minority Citizens Initiative

The Bretons also support Minority Citizens Initiative

Basın Bildirileri - Breton Cultural Institute stated at their general assembly the support for our Initiative. Loránt Vincze presented our ideas in Ploemeur, Brittany.



Basın Bildirileri - BRIXEN, SOUTH TYROL / ITALY 19 - 23 JUNE 2013

Statement of the FUEN-President on the upcoming referendum in Alsace

Statement of the FUEN-President on the upcoming referendum in Alsace

Basın Bildirileri - On 7 April there will be a referendum in Alsace – allowing for the transfer of more competences to the region. We support all endeavours in that direction and wish the Alsatians and especially the people who are active in the “Unsere Land”-party all the best in the upcoming referendum.

Minister will act as ambassador for the citizens’ initiative

Minister will act as ambassador for the citizens’ initiative

Basın Bildirileri - Anke Spoorendonk, the Justice, Culture and Europe Minister in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, will support the European citizens’ initiative for the minorities in Europe as an ambassador and founding member.

The Committee of the Regions praises preparations of Minority Citizens Initiative

The Committee of the Regions praises preparations of Minority Citizens Initiative

Basın Bildirileri - Meeting with Secretary General Gerhard Stahl in Brussels

 Support from Greece for the citizens’ initiative

Support from Greece for the citizens’ initiative

Basın Bildirileri - The umbrella organisation of the Western Thrace Turks – ABTTF – will participate

Promotion of language diversity

Promotion of language diversity

Basın Bildirileri - External evaluation at FUEN


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