Alsace and Transylvania have a lot in common

Alsace and Transylvania have a lot in common

Basın Bildirileri - Talks in the European Parliament about the European Citizens’ Initiative

German minority in Poland is supporting the citizens’ initiative

German minority in Poland is supporting the citizens’ initiative

Basın Bildirileri - Conference in the Sejm

Elections in Carinthia

Elections in Carinthia

Basın Bildirileri - Cause for hope among minority representatives

Hungarians in Slovakia join in

Hungarians in Slovakia join in

Basın Bildirileri - New partners for the European citizens’ initiative

FUEN-Vice President Martha Stocker is satisfied:

FUEN-Vice President Martha Stocker is satisfied:

Basın Bildirileri - SVP manages to get into parliament



Basın Bildirileri - Don’t fight out controversies at the expense of minorities

FUEN Congress 2013

FUEN Congress 2013

Basın Bildirileri - FUEN CONGRESS in Brixen, South Tyrol/Italy 19 - 23 June 2013

Expert meeting in Brussels

Expert meeting in Brussels

Basın Bildirileri - on the minority ECI

Robert Bosch Foundation supports Roma-project of FUEN

Robert Bosch Foundation supports Roma-project of FUEN

Basın Bildirileri - FUEN-President Hans Heinrich Hansen: “Accolade for minority-commitment”

"Summit" about the citizens' initiative in South Tyrol

"Summit" about the citizens' initiative in South Tyrol

Basın Bildirileri - President of the Hungarians in Romania will meet governor and FUEN president


  • Siyasi Katılım
  • Temel Haklar
  • Dilsel Çeşitlilik
  • Roman Azınlığı ile Dayanışma
  • Avrupa Vatandaşları Girişimi
  • Örgütlenme Ağı
  • Avrupa Azınlıklar Forumu / Azınlıklar Evi


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