FUEN President Lorant Vincze makes inaugural visits to Berlin

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This week the FUEN President had a number of inaugural visits in Berlin, in order to continue the successful cooperation with the Federal Republic of Germany and to get to know the partners of FUEN personally.

There were meetings with Hartmut Koschyk, the Federal Government Commissioner for Matters related to German ethnic Resettlers and with the Members of the German Parliament Brandl and Gerster, who are the rapporteurs for the budget committee. There were also talks with Hungarian and Romanian ambassadors in Berlin.

During the talks President Vincze was accompanied by Olga Martens, Vice President of FUEN and by Eva Penzes, the coordinator of the Working Group of German Minorities inside FUEN, based in Berlin.

The meetings in Berlin will be continued after the summer break.


further press releases (in German)


  • Siyasi Katılım
  • Temel Haklar
  • Dilsel Çeşitlilik
  • Roman Azınlığı ile Dayanışma
  • Avrupa Vatandaşları Girişimi
  • Örgütlenme Ağı
  • Avrupa Azınlıklar Forumu / Azınlıklar Evi


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