Living Diversity - Shaping Europe

- Basın Bildirileri - That is the motto of FUEN, which also fit well with the Open Days that took place at the German Federal Ministry of the Interior in Berlin last weekend.

Once a year the German ministries open their door to the public for the traditional information days. The focus is not only on providing information, but also on entertainment and presentations.

FUEN, which was represented by the Working Group of German Minorities in FUEN (AGDM) and the Minority Secretariat of the four autochthonous national minorities in Germany, presented the diversity of the work they do and participated at the Days with several cultural activities, making these “days for all” into an experience.

Besides providing visitors with many information materials and activities, such as the post card action “write a card to your loved ones” or culinary delicacies, the organisation of the Germans in Poland VDG and the youth dance group “Lenschczok” presented the German minority in Poland. In their beautiful costumes, the dance group of the Sater Frisians from Germany showed how vibrant their culture in the region is.

Among the many visitors, the minorities also welcomed the German Federal Government Commissioner for Matters Related to Ethnic German Resettlers and National Minorities, Hartmut Koschyk MP, and the German Federal Minister of the Interior, Dr Thomas de Maizière, who also enjoyed the wide range of offerings.

It was the first time that the national minorities in Germany and the German minorities from abroad presented themselves in such a way together with the Commissioner. They took a stance for tolerance, integration and cooperation of the different culture. And that is how it shall be!

Press release from the German Federal Government Commissioner for Matters Related to Ethnic German Resettlers and National Minorities

Press release from the Minority Secretariat

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