On 16 September 2016 the long-awaited hearing about the Minority SafePack will take place in Luxemburg

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After having waited for three long years, the hearing about the European Citizens’ Initiative for the minorities of Europe, the Minority SafePack Initiative, which was submitted by a high-ranking citizens’ committee in the Summer of 2013 and then rejected by the European Commission, will finally take place on 16 September 2016, at the European Court in Luxemburg. 

A team of experts elaborated our Minority SafePack, which contains a set of measures and concrete legal acts (laws) for the promotion and protection of the European minorities and the regional and minority languages.

Unfortunately, the European Commission rejected the initiative in first instance. According to the European Commission, the proposed initiative fell “manifestly outside the framework of the Commission’s powers”. At the European Court the Citizens’ Committee and FUEN will substantiate why the package of measures can be implemented indeed within the powers of the EU and why the rejection on the part of the European Commission was unjustified. 

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