XVIIIth FUEN-Annual Meeting of the Slavic Minorities from 15 until 18 October 2015 in Daruvar, Croatia - report of the annual meeting published now

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The annual meeting of the Slavic autochthonous national minorities and ethnic groups in FUEN was prepared and organised under responsibility of Domowina – the Federation of Lusatian Sorbs. The Czech minority in Croatia has been hosting the meeting.

The main subject of the annual meeting was to continue the discussion among the Slavic minorities about their experience with applying for funding for projects in regard to multilingualism and culture exchange from the European funds. In this context joint project proposals for future cooperation among the Slavic minority organisations were coordinated.

This considered in particular the experiences of some of member organisations with using European funding for cross-border cooperation. In a session on topical issues, the minorities could speak about their current situation. The main emphasis during this session was on the position of the Ruthenes in Ukraine, who currently have to work under a very difficult political situation.

Another subject of the annual meeting was the preparations for the FUEN Congress in Wrocław next year, where a new Presidium will be elected. A third subject that was presented was the status of preparations for the EUROPEADA European Football Championships for the autochthonous national minorities in South Tyrol. 

The host-organisation, the Czech minority in Croatia, presented itself at many occasions during the annual meeting. Furthermore, also the situation about the other minorities in Croatia was extensively covered.

More information:

Report about the Annual Meeting of the Slavic Minorities in FUEN in Daruvar, Croatia (in German)

Internet-page of the Slavic Minorities in FUEN


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